Werke: nach Entstehungsjahr nach Gattung nach Titel
Werke nach Entstehungsjahr
- 1983 – Slzy [Tears] – string trio; 15'
- 1985, rev. 1988 – Hudba hudbička [Music Sweet Music] – soprano, S-recorder or picc, fl, ob, cl, tr or alt-sx, vl, va, vc, cb; 12'
- 1987 – A v sadech korálů, jež slabě zrůžověly [And In the Orchard of Corals, which turned Vaguely Rose] – mezzosoprano, piano without pianist, electronics; 15'
- 1988 – Hudba pro přeladěné nástroje [Music for Retuned Instruments] – fl(picc), va1(va2), vc(va2), pf(perc) (= 4 or 5 players); 22'
- 1989, 2010 – Nokturno [Nocturne]
- Version 1 (1989) – vl oder picc solo + cl, pf, arp, 1 perc, el guit, vc; 24'
- Version 2 (2010) – vc solo + tr, trb, 2 perc, prep pf, el guit; 20-25' - 1989 – Zvonění [Ringing] – 1 perc solo; 11'
- 1990, 1992 – Netopýr [The Flying Dog]
- Version 1 (1990) – alt-fl, ob, cl, 1 perc, prep pf, vc, cb; 7'
- Version 2 (1992) – fl(picc), cl, 1 perc, prep pf, vc, cb; 11' - 1990 – L'Orch pour l'orch – 2 picc, 5 cl, (2 cr ad lib.), 12 tbn (or 6 tbn and 6 amplified vc), 4 perc, 25 vl, 5 cb; 20'
- 1992 – Déšť, nějaké okno, střechy, komíny, holubi a tak..., a taky železniční mosty [Rain, a Window, Roofs, Chimneys, Pigeons and so... and Railway-Bridges, too] – bass-fl(picc), c.i., bass-cl(Es-cl), fg, tr, cr, tbn, tb, 2 perc, 2 pf, el guit, acc, vl, va, vc, cb; 23'
- 1993, 1995 – Rent a Ricercar
- Version 1 (1993) – ob, c.i., tbn, prep pf, 1 perc, va, vc, cb (each player plays also various additional percussion-, toy-, and non-instruments or may have an assistent); 11'
- Version 2 (1995) – ten-sx, tr, tbn, 2 perc, prep pf, el guit, vc, cb (each player plays also various additional percussion-, toy-, and non-instruments); 11' - 1993 – Trzy motywy pastoralne (Three pastoral motifs) – tape (+ designed upright piano as a visual object); 12'33''
- 1995 – Rubato – vl, pf; 10'
- 1995-6, 1996 – Euforium [Euphorium]
- Version 1 (1995-96) – bar-sx(cl), euphonium(tbn), prep pf, vc; 14'
- Version 2 (1996) – bar-sx(picc-fl, alt-fl), ten-sx(cl), tr, euphonium(tbn), 2 perc, prep pf, prep el guit, prep bass guit, mandolin(vc) (some of instruments amplified); 14' - 1996 – Tři kusy pro přeladěný orchestr [Three Pieces for Retuned Orchestra] – 6(2picc,alt-fl,bass-fl),3(c.i.),4(2Es-cl,bass-cl,cb-cl),2sx(s-sx,b-sx),2(cfg) - 2,4,2Es-tr,4(2euph),1 - 5 perc, arp, prep pf - 1,1,2,4,2; 20'
- 1996-97 – Lullaby – solo: tbn, chit + 2 cl, 1 perc, old mechanical gramophone, vl, va, vc, cb; 14'
- 1998 – Osm kusů pro kytarové kvarteto [8 Pieces for Guitar Quartet] – 4 chit; 12'
- 1998 – Autumn Thoughts – fl, cl, prep pf, 1 or 2 perc, vl, vc; 10'
- 1999 – Lieder ohne Worte und Passacaglia – ob, fg, cr, va, cb; 16'
- 1999 – Nešť [Nest] – orchestra divided into 3 groups: 5(3picc,1alt-fl),3,c.i.,3(alt-sx),Es-cl,bass-cl,bar-sx,3 - 6,1,euph(or tbn),1 - 1perc, 2arp - 14,12,10,8,6; 19'
- 2000 – Blue Note – 2 perc; 19'
- 2000 – Walden, the Distiller of Celestial Dews – English text H. D. Thoreau – mixed choir (8S, 8A, 8T, 8B), 1 perc; 19'
- 2000 – Remix, Redream, Reflight – orchestra: 4,4,4,4, - 4,2,2,1 - 1 perc - strings; 17'
- 2000 – Houby a nebe [Mushrooms and Heaven] – Czech text P. P. Fiala, M. Smolka – non-opera alto-singer or singing violinist and one or two string quartets; 17'
- 2001, rev. 2003 – Pozoruji oblaka [Observing the Clouds] – (youth) orchestra in 3 groups with 3 conductors (2 of them also playing badminton on the stage) - 3(3picc),3,3(Es-cl),0 - 0,3,0,0 - 1 perc, arp, pf - 10,8,8,8,5; 11'
- 2002 – Ach, mé milé c moll [Oh, my Admired C Minor] – alt-fl, Es-cl, perc, pf, vl, va, vc; 12'
- 2002 – Missa – 4 voices solo: high soprano, soprano, countertenor, bariton and string quartet; 18'
- 2001-3 – Nagano - opera in 3 acts – Czech libretto J. Dušek, M. Smolka – soloists, choir, ballett, orchestra; 90'
- 2003 – Solitudo – fl(picc), ob, cl, fg, cr, tr, tb, perc, arp, chit, prep pf, vc; 14'
- 2003-4 – Tesknice [Nostalgia] – chamber orchestra: 2(2picc),2,2,2 - 4,2,1,0 - - 8,6,5,4,3; 12'
- 2003-4 – Adelheid – fl or sax solo; 5'
- 2004 – For a Buck [Za babku] – string quartet; 4'
- 2004 – Hats in the Sky [Klobouky v oblacích] – tr, tbn, 2 perc, prep pf, prep guit, vc; 7'
- 2004 – Touha stát se Kafkou – Czech and German text F. Kafka – 2 (youth) choirs (S, MS, A, T), pf, el guit, drums; 10'
- 2005 – Das schlaue Gretchen - opera for children audience – German libretto K. Angermann (based on fairy tale by Jan Werich Královna Koloběžka I.) – actor, 4 singers, chamber orchestra or 13 instruments; 60'
- 2006 – Lamento metodico – acc solo; 12'
- 2006 – Słone i smutne [Salt and Sad] – Polish text T. Różewicz – mixed choir (8S, 8A, 8T, 8B); 17'
- 2006 – Semplice – old and new instruments:
- baroque ensemble: fl(picc), 2 ob, fg, 2 cr, cemb, chitarrone, 7 vl, 2 va, vc, cb
- modern ensemble: fl(picc, bass-fl), ob, cl, perc, prep pf, vl, va, vc; 45' (kurze Version 25') - 2002, rev. 2006 – Pianissimo – miniature for 4 tr or 4 sax; 5'
- 2007 – Stínohra [Shadow Play] – miniature for 2 pf; 5'
- 2006-7 – Frrr – fl(picc), ob, fg, sopr-sx(alt-sx), C-tr, tbn, 1 perc, vl, va, vc, cb (each player plays also kazoo and nightingale or finger cymbal); 7'
- 2007 – Rush – alt-fl(picc), c.i., bass-cl(Es-cl), fg, s-tbn or tr, cr, euph or tbn, tb, 2 perc, arp, pf, 2 vl, va, vc, cb; 15'
- 2007 – Haiku – harpsichord with or without tape; 12'
- 2007 – Haiku - žalm [Haiku - Psalm] – English text Psalm 104 - 3 male voices (tenor, baritone, bass), 3 trombones and 2 resonance-pianos (no players); 6'
- 2007 – Zátiší s tubami aneb Ticholapka [Still Life with Tubas or Silence Hiding] - 4(1picc,1alt-fl),0,4(1bass-cl),0 - 6,0,0,2 (soli) - 3 perc,arp,pf - 14,12,10,8,0; 20'
- 2008 – Die Seele auf dem Esel - picc, Es-cl, 1 perc, pf, vl, va, vc; 20' (kurze Version 16')
- 2008 – En tractant - C-tr, tbn, 2 perc, guit, pf, vc (players play also various additional percussion instruments); 15'24''
- 2008 – Etudy pro sbor - Czech text Martin Smolka - non-professional mixed choir; 12'
- 2008 – Poema de balcones - Spanish text F. G. Lorca - 2 mixed choirs; 12'
- 2009 – Soutěska [In the Gorge] - vc solo; 7'
- 2009 – Rinzai a vodoměrky [Rinzai and Water Skaters] - guit, bass-cl and string quartet; 16'
- 2009 – Fünf Choretüden - German text - non-professional mixed choir; 12'
- 2009 – Psalmus 114 - Latin text Psalm 114 - mixed choir and orchestra; 25'
- 2009 – Hladina, mlha, vlhko, volavka, dálka [Lake, Mist, Herons, Remoteness] - sax quartet; 11'
- 2010 – Der Puppenkavalier - fl(picc), cl(bcl), fg, tpt, 2 perc, el guit, acc, vl, cb; 64'
- 2010 – In uno monili torquis tui - Latin text Song of Songs - five singers and string quartet; 12'
- 2010-11 – Per divina bellezza - Italian text Petrarka & Latin text Veni sancte spiritus & Alma redemptoris mater - cycle for vocal sextet: sopr, 3 ten, bar, bass; 22'
- 2010-11 – Blue Bells or Bell Blues - 4(1alt-fl,2picc),4(1c.i.),2bcl,2sx,4 – 4,4,3,1 – 4 perc,2arp,pf(cel) – 9,9,9vlIII,10,8,6; 20'
- 2010-11, 2014 – Agnus Dei
- Version 1 - Latin and Czech/German text - 2 mixed choirs; 10'
- Version 2 - Latin text - mixed choir; 10' - 2011-12 – My My Country - 6(4picc,2alt-fl),2(c.i.),0,3bcl,4sx(3sopr,1alt),0 – 4,0,3,1 – 3 perc,2arp,pf – 12,11,10,9,8; 20'
- 2012 – Bashō - English text by Bashō - 4 guit with or without soprano; 20'
- 2012-13 – MARE + MARE = MARIA - Latin text from the Bible and Hildegard von Bingen - mixed choir and orchestra; 35'
- 2013 – Rinzai and St. Francis watch yellow autumn leaves floating down the river - string sextet; 21'
- 2013 – Šeptáto - four actors; 10'
- 2013 – Sezname, otevři se! - spoken opera – Czech libretto J. Adámek – 4 actors, countertenor, female choir, chamber orchestra; 70'
- 2014 – Annunciation - Latin text Bible and Litany of Loreto - mixed choir and orchestra; 35'
- 2014 – LiPoLied - German text by Li-Po - sopr,va,pf; 12'
- 2014 – Sacred Vessel - Latin text Bible - 3 mixed choirs and orchestra; 40'
- 2014-15 – Quand le tympan de l'oreille porte le poids du monde - 0,4,4,4 - 4,4,3,1 - Perc(4) - pf - 15,13,10,10,7; 15'
- 2015 – Squeaking Wings - strings; 8'
- 2015-16 – Lay, wail, purr, whirr, smooth, whoop, soothe (and this also is vanity) - vl, pf, lighting; 15'
- 2016 – Bludiště seznamů [The Lists of Infinity] - spoken opera - Czech libretto J. Adámek – 4 actors, countertenor, string quartet, pf, hp; 75'
- 2016 – a yell with misprints - A-fl, ob, cl, perc, 2pf, vl, va, vc - all players with Peking Opera Gongs; 26'
- 2016 – Laudate, angeli - Latin text Bible - mixed choir; 20'
- 2017 – The Name Emmanuel - English text Bible - mixed choir; 13'
- 2017-18 – Wooden Clouds - ensemble including Partch-instruments; 19'
- 2018 – Smutek utek - vc, pf; 17'
- 2018 – Like Ella - vc; 9'
- 2016-19 – Vor dem Gesetz - tr, tbn, 2 perc, pf, elguit, vc (7 speaking musicians with side instruments); 60'
- 2018-19 – Stretto - Latin text O Regina, Lux Divina - SSATBarB, 4perc; 20'
Werke nach Gattung
Werke: nach Entstehungsjahr nach Titel
Nagano (2001-3) – opera in 3 acts – Czech libretto J. Dušek, M. Smolka – for soloists, choir, ballett, orchestra; 90'
Das schlaue Gretchen (2005) – opera for children audience – German libretto K. Angermann (based on fairy tale by Jan Werich Královna Koloběžka I.) – for 1 actor, 4 singers, chamber orchestra or 13 instruments; 60'
Šeptáto (2013) - four actors; 10'
Sezname, otevři se! (2013) - spoken opera – Czech libretto J. Adámek – 4 actors, countertenor, female choir, chamber orchestra; 70'
Bludiště seznamů [The Lists of Infinity] (2016) - spoken opera - Czech libretto J. Adámek – 4 actors, countertenor, string quartet, pf, hp; 75'
Vokalmusik, Chor
Hudba hudbička [Music Sweet Music] (1985, rev. 1988) – soprano, S-recorder or picc, fl, ob, cl, tr or alt-sx, vl, va, vc, cb; 12'
A v sadech korálů, jež slabě zrůžověly [And In the Orchard of Corals, which turned Vaguely Rose] (1987) – mezzosoprano, piano without pianist, electronics; 15'
Houby a nebe [Mushrooms and Heaven] (2000) – Czech text P. P. Fiala, M. Smolka – non-opera alto-singer or singing violinist and one or two string quartets; 17'
Bashō (2012) - English text by Bashō - 4 guit with or without soprano; 20'
Walden, the Distiller of Celestial Dews (2000) – English text H. D. Thoreau – mixed choir (8S, 8A, 8T, 8B), 1 perc; 19'
Missa (2002) – for 4 voices solo: high soprano, soprano, countertenor, bariton and string quartet; 18'
Touha stát se Kafkou (2004) – Czech and German text F. Kafka – 2 (youth) choirs (S, MS, A, T), pf, el guit, drums; 10'
Słone i smutne [Salt and Sad] (2006) – Polish text T. Różewicz – mixed choir (8S, 8A, 8T, 8B); 17'
Haiku - žalm [Haiku - Psalm] (2007) – English text Psalm 104 - 3 male voices (tenor, baritone, bass), 3 trombones and 2 resonance-pianos (no players); 6'
Etudy pro sbor (2008) - Czech text Martin Smolka - non-professional mixed choir; 12'
Fünf Choretüden (2009) - German text - non-professional mixed choir; 12'
Poema de balcones (2008) - Spanish text F. G. Lorca - 2 mixed choirs; 12'
Psalmus 114 (2009) - Latin text Psalm 114 - mixed choir and orchestra; 25'
In uno monili torquis tui (2010) - Latin text Song of Songs - five singers and string quartet; 12'
Agnus Dei
- Version 1 (2010-11) - Latin and Czech/German text - 2 mixed choirs; 10'
- Version 2 (2014) - Latin text - mixed choir; 10'
Per divina bellezza (2010-11) - Italian text Petrarka & Latin text Veni sancte spiritus & Alma redemptoris mater - cycle for vocal sextet: sopr, 3 ten, bar, bass; 22'
MARE + MARE = MARIA (2012-13) - Latin text from the Bible and Hildegard von Bingen - mixed choir and orchestra; 35'
Annunciation (2014) - Latin text Bible and Litany of Loreto - mixed choir and orchestra; 35'
LiPoLied (2014) - German text by Li-Po - sopr,va,pf; 12'
Sacred Vessel (2014) - Latin text Bible - 3 mixed choirs and orchestra; 40'
Laudate, angeli (2016) - Latin text Bible - mixed choir; 20'
The Name Emmanuel (2017) - English text Bible - mixed choir; 13'
Stretto (2018-19) - Latin text O Regina, Lux Divina - SSATBarB, 4perc; 20'
L'Orch pour l'orch (1990) – 2 picc, 5 cl, (2 cr ad lib.), 12 tbn (or 6 tbn and 6 amplified vc), 4 perc, 25 vl, 5 cb; 20'
Tři kusy pro přeladěný orchestr [Three Pieces for Retuned Orchestra] (1996) – 6(2picc,alt-fl,bass-fl),3(c.i.),4(2Es-cl,bass-cl,cb-cl),2sx(s-sx,b-sx),2(cfg) - 2,4,2Es-tr,4(2euph),1 - 5 perc, arp, prep pf - 1,1,2,4,2; 20'
Nešť [Nest] (1999) – orchestra divided into 3 groups: 5(3picc,1alt-fl),3,c.i.,3(alt-sx),Es-cl,bass-cl,bar-sx,3 - 6,1,euph(or tbn),1 - 1perc, 2arp - 14,12,10,8,6; 19'
Remix, Redream, Reflight (2000) – orchestra: 4,4,4,4, - 4,2,2,1 - 1 perc - strings; 17'
Pozoruji oblaka [Observing the Clouds] (2001, rev. 2003) – (youth) orchestra in 3 groups with 3 conductors (2 of them also playing badminton on the stage) - 3(3picc),3,3(Es-cl),0 - 0,3,0,0 - 1 perc, arp, pf - 10,8,8,8,5; 11'
Tesknice [Nostalgia] (2003-4) – chamber orchestra: 2(2picc),2,2,2 - 4,2,1,0 - - 8,6,5,4,3; 12'
Semplice (2006) – old and new instruments:
- baroque ensemble: fl(picc), 2 ob, fg, 2 cr, cemb, chitarrone, 7 vl, 2 va, vc, cb
- modern ensemble: fl(picc, bass-fl), ob, cl, perc, prep pf, vl, va, vc; 45' (kurze Version 25')
Zátiší s tubami aneb Ticholapka [Still Life with Tubas or Silence Hiding] (2007) - 4(1picc,1alt-fl),0,4(1bass-cl),0 - 6,0,0,2 (soli) - 3 perc,arp,pf - 14,12,10,8,0; 20'
Blue Bells or Bell Blues (2010-11) - 4(1alt-fl,2picc),4(1c.i.),2bcl,2sx,4 – 4,4,3,1 – 4 perc,2arp,pf(cel) – 9,9,9vlIII,10,8,6; 20'
My My Country (2011-12) - 6(4picc,2alt-fl),2(c.i.),0,3bcl,4sx(3sopr,1alt),0 – 4,0,3,1 – 3 perc,2arp,pf – 12,11,10,9,8; 20'
Quand le tympan de l'oreille porte le poids du monde (2014-15) - 0,4,4,4 - 4,4,3,1 - Perc(4) - pf - 15,13,10,10,7; 15'
Solowerke, Kammermusik & Ensemble
Adelheid (2003-4) – fl or sax solo; 5'
Lamento metodico (2006) – acc solo; 12'
Soutěska [In the Gorge] (2009) - vc solo; 7'
Like Ella (2018) - vc; 9'
Zvonění [Ringing] (1989) – 1 perc solo; 11'
Blue Note (2000) – 2 perc; 19'
Rubato (1995) – vl, pf; 10'
Smutek utek (2018) - vc, pf; 17'
Lay, wail, purr, whirr, smooth, whoop, soothe (and this also is vanity) (2015-16) - vl, pf, lighting; 15'
Haiku (2007) – harpsichord with or without tape; 12'
Stínohra [Shadow Play] (2007) – miniature for 2 pf; 5'
Slzy [Tears] (1983) – string trio; 15'
For a Buck [Za babku] (2004) – string quartet; 4'
Osm kusů pro kytarové kvarteto [8 Pieces for Guitar Quartet] (1998) – 4 chit; 12'
Pianissimo (2002, rev. 2006) – miniature for 4 tr or 4 sax; 5'
Hladina, mlha, vlhko, volavka, dálka [Lake, Mist, Herons, Remoteness] (2009) - sax quartet; 11'
Bashō (2012) - English text by Bashō - 4 guit with or without soprano; 20'
Hudba pro přeladěné nástroje [Music for Retuned Instruments] (1988) – fl(picc), va1(va2), vc(va2), pf(perc) (= 4 or 5 players); 22'
Euforium [Euphorium]
- Version 1 (1995-96) – bar-sx(cl), euphonium(tbn), prep pf, vc; 14'
- Version 2 (1996) – bar-sx(picc-fl, alt-fl), ten-sx(cl), tr, euphonium(tbn), 2 perc, prep pf, prep el guit, prep bass guit, mandolin(vc) (some of instruments amplified); 14'
Houby a nebe [Mushrooms and Heaven] (2000) – Czech text P. P. Fiala, M. Smolka – non-opera alto-singer or singing violinist and one or two string quartets; 17'
Lieder ohne Worte und Passacaglia (1999) – ob, fg, cr, va, cb; 16'
Rinzai and St. Francis watch yellow autumn leaves floating down the river (2013) - string sextet; 21'
Rinzai a vodoměrky [Rinzai and Water Skaters] (2009) - guit, bass-cl and string quartet; 16'
Netopýr [The Flying Dog]
- Version 1 (1990) – alt-fl, ob, cl, 1 perc, prep pf, vc, cb; 7'
- Version 2 (1992) – fl(picc), cl, 1 perc, prep pf, vc, cb; 11'
Autumn Thoughts (1998) – fl, cl, prep pf, 1 or 2 perc, vl, vc; 10'
Hats in the Sky [Klobouky v oblacích] (2004) – tr, tbn, 2 perc, prep pf, prep guit, vc; 7'
Vor dem Gesetz (2016-19) - tr, tbn, 2 perc, pf, elguit, vc (7 speaking musicians with side instruments); 60'
Die Seele auf dem Esel (2008) - picc, Es-cl, 1 perc, pf, vl, va, vc; 20' (kurze Version 16')
Ach, mé milé c moll [Oh, my Admired C Minor] (2002) – alt-fl, Es-cl, perc, pf, vl, va, vc; 12'
Nokturno [Nocturne]
- Version 1 (1989) – vl oder picc solo + cl, pf, arp, 1 perc, el guit, vc; 24'
- Version 2 (2010) – vc solo + tr, trb, 2 perc, prep pf, el guit; 20-25'
En tractant (2008) - C-tr, tbn, 2 perc, guit, pf, vc (players play also various additional percussion instruments); 15'24''
a yell with misprints (2016) - A-fl, ob, cl, perc, 2pf, vl, va, vc - all players with Peking Opera Gongs; 26'
Der Puppenkavalier (2010) - fl(picc), cl(bcl), fg, tpt, 2 perc, el guit, acc, vl, cb; 64'
Solitudo (2003) – fl(picc), ob, cl, fg, cr, tr, tb, perc, arp, chit, prep pf, vc; 14'
Rent a Ricercar
- Version 1 (1993) – ob, c.i., tbn, prep pf, 1 perc, va, vc, cb (each player plays also various additional percussion-, toy-, and non-instruments or may have an assistent); 11'
- Version 2 (1995) – ten-sx, tr, tbn, 2 perc, prep pf, el guit, vc, cb (each player plays also various additional percussion-, toy-, and non-instruments); 11'
Hudba hudbička [Music Sweet Music] (1985, rev. 1988) – soprano, S-recorder or picc, fl, ob, cl, tr or alt-sx, vl, va, vc, cb; 12'
Lullaby (1996-97) – solo: tbn, chit + 2 cl, 1 perc, old mechanical gramophone, vl, va, vc, cb; 14'
Squeaking Wings (2015) - strings; 8'
Frrr (2006-7) – fl(picc), ob, fg, sopr-sx(alt-sx), C-tr, tbn, 1 perc, vl, va, vc, cb (each player plays also kazoo and nightingale or finger cymbal); 7'
Rush (2007) – alt-fl(picc), c.i., bass-cl(Es-cl), fg, s-tbn or tr, cr, euph or tbn, tb, 2 perc, arp, pf, 2 vl, va, vc, cb; 15'
Déšť, nějaké okno, střechy, komíny, holubi a tak..., a taky železniční mosty [Rain, a Window, Roofs, Chimneys, Pigeons and so... and Railway-Bridges, too] (1992) – bass-fl(picc), c.i., bass-cl(Es-cl), fg, tr, cr, tbn, tb, 2 perc, 2 pf, el guit, acc, vl, va, vc, cb; 23'
Wooden Clouds (2017-18) - ensemble including Partch-instruments; 19'
Trzy motywy pastoralne (Three pastoral motifs) (1993) – tape (+ designed upright piano as a visual object); 12'33''
Werke nach Titel
Werke: nach Entstehungsjahr nach Gattung
- A v sadech korálů, jež slabě zrůžověly [And In the Orchard of Corals, which turned Vaguely Rose] (1987) – mezzosoprano, piano without pianist, electronics; 15'
- a yell with misprints (2016) - A-fl, ob, cl, perc, 2pf, vl, va, vc - all players with Peking Opera Gongs; 26'
- Ach, mé milé c moll [Oh, my Admired C Minor] (2002) – alt-fl, Es-cl, perc, pf, vl, va, vc; 12'
- Adelheid (2003-4) – fl or sax solo; 5'
- Agnus Dei
- Version 1 (2010-11) - Latin and Czech/German text - 2 mixed choirs; 10'
- Version 2 (2014) - Latin text - mixed choir; 10' - Annunciation (2014) - Latin text Bible and Litany of Loreto - mixed choir and orchestra; 35'
- Autumn Thoughts (1998) – fl, cl, prep pf, 1 or 2 perc, vl, vc; 10'
- Bashō (2012) - English text by Bashō - 4 guit with or without soprano; 20'
- Bludiště seznamů [The Lists of Infinity] (2016) - spoken opera - Czech libretto J. Adámek – 4 actors, countertenor, string quartet, pf, hp; 75'
- Blue Bells or Bell Blues (2010-11) - 4(1alt-fl,2picc),4(1c.i.),2bcl,2sx,4 – 4,4,3,1 – 4 perc,2arp,pf(cel) – 9,9,9vlIII,10,8,6; 20'
- Blue Note (2000) – 2 perc; 19'
- Das schlaue Gretchen (2005) - opera for children audience – German libretto K. Angermann (based on fairy tale by Jan Werich Královna Koloběžka I.) – actor, 4 singers, chamber orchestra or 13 instruments; 60'
- Der Puppenkavalier (2010) - fl(picc), cl(bcl), fg, tpt, 2 perc, el guit, acc, vl, cb; 64'
- Déšť, nějaké okno, střechy, komíny, holubi a tak..., a taky železniční mosty [Rain, a Window, Roofs, Chimneys, Pigeons and so... and Railway-Bridges, too] (1992) – bass-fl(picc), c.i., bass-cl(Es-cl), fg, tr, cr, tbn, tb, 2 perc, 2 pf, el guit, acc, vl, va, vc, cb; 23'
- Die Seele auf dem Esel (2008) - picc, Es-cl, 1 perc, pf, vl, va, vc; 20' (kurze Version 16')
- En tractant (2008) - C-tr, tbn, 2 perc, guit, pf, vc (players play also various additional percussion instruments); 15'24''
- Euforium [Euphorium]
- Version 1 (1995-96) – bar-sx(cl), euphonium(tbn), prep pf, vc; 14'
- Version 2 (1996) – bar-sx(picc-fl, alt-fl), ten-sx(cl), tr, euphonium(tbn), 2 perc, prep pf, prep el guit, prep bass guit, mandolin(vc) (some of instruments amplified); 14' - Etudy pro sbor (2008) - non-professional mixed choir; 12'
- For a Buck [Za babku] (2004) – string quartet; 4'
- Frrr (2006-7) – fl(picc), ob, fg, sopr-sx(alt-sx), C-tr, tbn, 1 perc, vl, va, vc, cb (each player plays also kazoo and nightingale or finger cymbal); 7'
- Fünf Choretüden (2009) - German text - non-professional mixed choir; 12'
- Haiku (2007) – harpsichord with or without tape; 12'
- Haiku - žalm [Haiku - Psalm] (2007) – English text Psalm 104 - 3 male voices (tenor, baritone, bass), 3 trombones and 2 resonance-pianos (no players); 6'
- Hats in the Sky [Klobouky v oblacích] (2004) – tr, tbn, 2 perc, prep pf, prep guit, vc; 7'
- Hladina, mlha, vlhko, volavka, dálka [Lake, Mist, Herons, Remoteness] (2009) - sax quartet; 11'
- Houby a nebe [Mushrooms and Heaven] (2000) – Czech text P. P. Fiala, M. Smolka – non-opera alto-singer or singing violinist and one or two string quartets; 17'
- Hudba hudbička [Music Sweet Music] (1985, rev. 1988) – soprano, S-recorder or picc, fl, ob, cl, tr or alt-sx, vl, va, vc, cb; 12'
- Hudba pro přeladěné nástroje [Music for Retuned Instruments] (1988) – fl(picc), va1(va2), vc(va2), pf(perc) (= 4 or 5 players); 22'
- In uno monili torquis tui (2010) - Latin text Song of Songs - five singers and string quartet; 12'
- L'Orch pour l'orch (1990) – 2 picc, 5 cl, (2 cr ad lib.), 12 tbn (or 6 tbn and 6 amplified vc), 4 perc, 25 vl, 5 cb; 20'
- Lamento metodico (2006) – acc solo; 12'
- Laudate, angeli (2016) - Latin text Bible - mixed choir; 20'
- Lay, wail, purr, whirr, smooth, whoop, soothe (and this also is vanity) (2015-16) - vl, pf, lighting; 15'
- LiPoLied (2014) - German text by Li-Po - sopr,va,pf; 12'
- Lieder ohne Worte und Passacaglia (1999) – ob, fg, cr, va, cb; 16'
- Like Ella (2018) - vc; 9'
- Lullaby (1996-97) – solo: tbn, chit + 2 cl, 1 perc, old mechanical gramophone, vl, va, vc, cb; 14'
- MARE + MARE = MARIA (2012-13) - Latin text from the Bible and Hildegard von Bingen - mixed choir and orchestra; 35'
- Missa (2002) – 4 voices solo: high soprano, soprano, countertenor, bariton and string quartet; 18'
- My My Country (2011-12) - 6(4picc,2alt-fl),2(c.i.),0,3bcl,4sx(3sopr,1alt),0 – 4,0,3,1 – 3 perc,2arp,pf – 12,11,10,9,8; 20'
- Nagano (2001-3) - opera in 3 acts – Czech libretto J. Dušek, M. Smolka – soloists, choir, ballett, orchestra; 90'
- Nešť [Nest] (1999) – orchestra divided into 3 groups: 5(3picc,1alt-fl),3,c.i.,3(alt-sx),Es-cl,bass-cl,bar-sx,3 - 6,1,euph(or tbn),1 - 1perc, 2arp - 14,12,10,8,6; 19'
- Netopýr [The Flying Dog]
- Version 1 (1990) – alt-fl, ob, cl, 1 perc, prep pf, vc, cb; 7'
- Version 2 (1992) – fl(picc), cl, 1 perc, prep pf, vc, cb; 11' - Nokturno [Nocturne]
- Version 1 (1989) – vl oder picc solo + cl, pf, arp, 1 perc, el guit, vc; 24'
- Version 2 (2010) – vc solo + tr, trb, 2 perc, prep pf, el guit; 20-25' - Osm kusů pro kytarové kvarteto [8 Pieces for Guitar Quartet] (1998) – 4 chit; 12'
- Per divina bellezza (2010-11) - Italian text Petrarka & Latin text Veni sancte spiritus & Alma redemptoris mater - cycle for vocal sextet: sopr, 3 ten, bar, bass; 22'
- Pianissimo (2002, rev. 2006) – miniature for 4 tr or 4 sax; 5'
- Poema de balcones (2008) - spanish text F. G. Lorca - 2 mixed choirs; 12'
- Pozoruji oblaka [Observing the Clouds] (2001, rev. 2003) – (youth) orchestra in 3 groups with 3 conductors (2 of them also playing badminton on the stage) - 3(3picc),3,3(Es-cl),0 - 0,3,0,0 - 1 perc, arp, pf - 10,8,8,8,5; 11'
- Psalmus 114 (2009) - Latin text of Psalm 114 - mixed choir and orchestra; 25'
- Quand le tympan de l'oreille porte le poids du monde (2014-15) - 0,4,4,4 - 4,4,3,1 - Perc(4) - pf - 15,13,10,10,7; 15'
- Remix, Redream, Reflight (2000) – orchestra: 4,4,4,4, - 4,2,2,1 - 1 perc - strings; 17'
- Rent a Ricercar
- Version 1 (1993) – ob, c.i., tbn, prep pf, 1 perc, va, vc, cb (each player plays also various additional percussion-, toy-, and non-instruments or may have an assistent); 11'
- Version 2 (1995) – ten-sx, tr, tbn, 2 perc, prep pf, el guit, vc, cb (each player plays also various additional percussion-, toy-, and non-instruments); 11' - Rinzai and St. Francis watch yellow autumn leaves floating down the river (2013) - string sextet; 21'
- Rinzai a vodoměrky [Rinzai and Water Skaters] (2009) - guit, bass-cl and string quartet; 16'
- Rubato (1995) – vl, pf; 10'
- Rush (2007) – alt-fl(picc), c.i., bass-cl(Es-cl), fg, s-tbn or tr, cr, euph or tbn, tb, 2 perc, arp, pf, 2 vl, va, vc, cb; 15'
- Sacred Vessel (2014) - Latin text Bible - 3 mixed choirs and orchestra; 40'
- Semplice (2006) – old and new instruments:
- baroque ensemble: fl(picc), 2 ob, fg, 2 cr, cemb, chitarrone, 7 vl, 2 va, vc, cb
- modern ensemble: fl(picc, bass-fl), ob, cl, perc, prep pf, vl, va, vc; 45' (kurze Version 25') - Sezname, otevři se! (2013) - spoken opera – Czech libretto J. Adámek – 4 actors, countertenor, female choir, chamber orchestra; 70'
- Słone i smutne [Salt and Sad] (2006) – Polish text T. Różewicz – mixed choir (8S, 8A, 8T, 8B); 17'
- Slzy [Tears] (1983) – string trio; 15'
- Smutek utek (2018) - vc, pf; 17'
- Solitudo (2003) – fl(picc), ob, cl, fg, cr, tr, tb, perc, arp, chit, prep pf, vc; 14'
- Soutěska [In the Gorge] (2009) - vc solo; 7'
- Squeaking Wings (2015) - strings; 8'
- Stínohra [Shadow Play] (2007) – miniature for 2 pf; 5'
- Stretto (2018-19) - Latin text O Regina, Lux Divina - SSATBarB, 4perc; 20'
- Šeptáto (2013) - four actors; 10'
- Tesknice [Nostalgia] (2003-4) – chamber orchestra: 2(2picc),2,2,2 - 4,2,1,0 - - 8,6,5,4,3; 12'
- The Name Emmanuel (2017) - English text Bible - mixed choir; 13'
- Touha stát se Kafkou [Wunsch, Kafka zu werden] (2004) – Czech and German text F. Kafka – 2 (youth) choirs (S, MS, A, T), pf, el guit, drums; 10'
- Tři kusy pro přeladěný orchestr [Three Pieces for Retuned Orchestra] (1996) – 6(2picc,alt-fl,bass-fl),3(c.i.),4(2Es-cl,bass-cl,cb-cl),2sx(s-sx,b-sx),2(cfg) - 2,4,2Es-tr,4(2euph),1 - 5 perc, arp, prep pf - 1,1,2,4,2; 20'
- Trzy motywy pastoralne (Three pastoral motifs) (1993) – tape (+ designed upright piano as a visual object); 12'33''
- Vor dem Gesetz (2016-19) - tr, tbn, 2 perc, pf, elguit, vc (7 speaking musicians with side instruments); 60'
- Walden, the Distiller of Celestial Dews (2000) – English text H. D. Thoreau – mixed choir (8S, 8A, 8T, 8B), 1 perc; 19'
- Wooden Clouds (2017-18) - ensemble including Partch-instruments; 19'
- Zátiší s tubami aneb Ticholapka [Still Life with Tubas or Silence Hiding] (2007) - 4(1picc,1alt-fl),0,4(1bass-cl),0 - 6,0,0,2 (soli) - 3 perc,arp,pf - 14,12,10,8,0; 20'
- Zvonění [Ringing] (1989) – 1 perc solo; 11'